What (and how) to ask ChatGPT, this is the question, and everyone should find the answer because it is the most Powerful Weapon? This is valid point for life in general. While life is colourful and the answers may come later – the AI will either give you something useful right away or it will…
Tag: Utilities
Utilities for Developers or for All kinds of people
Levels of Code Generation
There are several layers in Software Development where Code Generation happens. On every place – it has different purposes and accomplishes different goals. Speed of bootstrapping a new project If a software developer is able to present something minimally functional to a business owner or client, he will be able to enter the feedback loop…
Logging Best Practices
In the list of Logging best practices is to have the possibility to detect different events and situations in a software system. When such modules are installed, finding what is important could be completed even while the application is running and without stopping it. Logging – On/Off Switch It is a good practice to be…
What is Software Essentially?
Software Essentially is a tool that helps execute certain task or complete some goal. For end users – it is entertainment, save time, save money, make money, educate, connect and more. Target Client Target client, users, buyers or group is a marketing term. It includes those that will use or consume what you do –…
Not your Key, not your Anything
Several months ago I’ve created an NFT – just out of curiosity on OpenSea.io platform using a Private Key in my Browser – thanks to the Meta Mask Plugin. Very recently, I’ve dived deep into the Crypto Space with several crypto steps. The first one is the Web3 login. To ease the second (and maybe…
Technical Control over the Finances
How far away from you is the real – technical control over the financial tools that you operate with? In this article I’m gonna point out the several options that are popular, modern, technical and philosophical. Paper money and coins This is the direct – physical type of money that you can control. You could…
Push Notifications Service
As I’ve written in the past – Push Notifications are one of the 9 Social Features in Software that keeps people engaged with a particular product. Most Users love when the software reaches them about events – as fast as in real time. For this reason – here you have a Push Notifications Service –…
Service, EVERYTHING could be (Micro) Service
Recently I’ve come to the realization that almost everything in software could be packaged separately as a ( Micro ) Service. Ideally it could scale up by putting a load balancer in front of every service and turn on or off containers and/or virtual machines per need. Idealistically it could work without human intervention at…
Extract Main Info of a Web Site
Here you have a tool for the Desktop Computer – to extract the main Information of a Web Site. https://programtom.com/appcenter.online/app.php?id=57. You just need to paste the URL address. The tool will extract Web Page: Title Description Image/Logo This information is available on any public page because of Search Engine Optimization reasons. If a Web Page…
WordPress Application Builder
WordPress powers most of the Internet because of ease of use, network effect, branding and more so I’ve created a Simple Application Builder using this platform as the backbone. It is proof of concept, so don’t expect a lot. It could be found here: https://tomavelev.com/wp_app_builder/ You search for the site you wish to turn into…