This will be an article – edited multiple times – that will include links to packages of Micro Service Java Modules for Any App. Such common modules are user functionalities, roles, access, security, notification systems, performance and more. After the basic stuff, I’m gonna dive into app building and several modules required for a blockchain…
Tag: User Authentication & Authorization
Smart Contracts – The Ultimate Open Source Micro Services
Smart Contracts are the incarnation of the Ultimate Open Source Micro Services. Their code is public. You could execute them – independently. Actually – anyone that has some coins for the Blockchain could. Smart Contracts in the eyes of Web 2.0 You expose services in the older world of technologies through REST Endpoints. Ethereum has…
User & Role Management – The Core App Feature
The User Management is the most Fundamental Functionality of absolutely every Application and platform around the Internet and technology. It doesn’t matter the additional layers, wrappings, contexts and domain areas. You can read that I have touched the topic before in my articles are you in control of your technology, implementation of the same programming…
Social Login – Why Use 3rd Party Authentication?
Why Use Social – 3rd Party Authentication in your Login workflows? The importance of the Connections of the users on other places I’ve described here: (number 3). You will save time and effort from the need to implement and support user management. It is not an easy task. Even the big Corporations have a…
Independent Facebook Login Authentication
If you want to integrate the Facebook Login in your app, but you want at least some small part of the Authentication to be Independent – this article is for you. The World Wide Web is a Communication Layer present on almost every meaningful device form factor. If some functionality works on it, it could…
Secrets unspoken by Flutter Tutorials creating developers
In this article you will learn few secrets not spoken by tutorials creating developers. These are things that many tutorial creating developers aren’t saying, because they don’t know them or realize them. Many colleagues are often too attached to the tool they are using. It has become their fetish. Other times these things are purposefully…
Client State of an Authentication & Authorization App
Most Real World Internet Systems have Authentication and Authorization and currently the world is mind-blown by State focused Frameworks and Development Approaches. So I decided to describe what could be the mix of both areas. From an Authentication & Authorization point of view – the modern way to implement a backend is the Application Layer…
Consuming WordPress JSON API
In this article I’m gonna start explaining the WordPress JSON API. This may be useful for Theme Developers, for Application Creators, for Students and Learners. WordPress powers up one big percentage of the Internet. Many of the users of this software product are Marketers, Sellers, Bloggers and all kinds of people outside of programming. That…
User Authentication & Authorization – The Big Picture
User Authentication & Authorization has become core, essential and critical part of every service or platform around the Internet. Holes in it have and will cost a lot for the big companies and the users. Many things could occur – data breaches, data losses, account and servers overrun by ill-intended hackers and so on. Without…