This is simple Remote Script Executor App – made by Spring Boot.
Remote Script Executor REST Endpoint
The app is written with Spring Boot, Java 21 – with packaging – JAR. After you start the app you have an endpoint the allows you to execute the script passed in:
POST request to http://{address}:7750/api/execute
- wd – Working Directory. Take into account the platform path specifics – when filling up this parameter
- command – the command that will be executed. Example for listing directories is: “cmd /c dir” – for windows, “sh -c ls” – for macOS and Linux.
userId(Optional) - this was left-over for the first version of the app and is now not used in practice.
I’ve hard-coded a limit of 5 minutes of execution time – before killing the task.
Free of Charge – if Requested
The first version of the app was created with Vaadin and had admin interface. It was generated with my App Builder / Code Generation. The login is hard-coded and could be easily replaced. I’ve removed it, because it is designed for internal, non-public use.
After the login – you have a CRUD interface over commands, list of commands, history and result of execution. I will checkout the changes in my GIT history and will package it for you for free – if you request it.