This is Proof of Concept Project – Experimenting with various technologies to create an application with the funcionality of Translations Manager.
Vaadin on top of Bootstrap Theme
All the components use bare bone HTML Components of Vaadin – with no custom Vaadin Theme, because it is not needed. You could used intependently these components from mu github account: https://github.com/tomavelev/bootstrap_vaadin_components
As Written in the article: Building UI with Vaadin Kotlin Bootstrap CSS, the user interface of the application is build by using the CSS from Bootstrap by creating the appropiate elements and adding the necessary CSS classes. There are certainanly a lof of to-dos left, but so far – the UI uses:
- Floating Input Labels,
- Text area,
- Checkbox,
- Select/ComboBox
- Navbar
- Card Component
- more components may be added in the future when needed
Because I’ve used Kotlin Programming language and the features of – named parameters, default values and .apply {…}, the Code is Declarative – very similar to Flutter.
The wrapping framework of the app is Quarkus, so it is compilable to native image.
Docker/Docker-Compose with MariaDB condig
The project contain simple docker-compose.yaml with a definition of the MariaDB database and some additional settings
Integration with Google Translate
The core value of the app is an integration with Google Translate. You are able to:
- create Apps
- child record of the apps could create Features
- every feature could contain translation keys
- and every key has language values.
- Integration of Authentication. More specifically – Google Login and JWT Token Regeneration – made by Program Tom LTD.
- REST endpoint included – for translating a text from source to destination language
From personal usage I’m planning to also add
- querying locally for translations (to minimize Google Translate API Calls) {DONE}
- full CRUD operations [DONE]
- More languages. Currently I’ve limited to English, Spanish, Portuguese, ChineseTraditional, ChineseSimplified, Hindi, Russian, German, Bulgarian, Arabic [TODO]
To view a review of my Git Log history, live coding for some of the steps, personal explination and tips – you could it check out here: https://programtom.com/dev/product/coding-videos-for-poc-translations-manager-application/