Stuff Organizer Web Page
Out of stock
App that allows you to Type In the places in your home, house office, garage, etc, and Enter the stuff that you keep in them. This gives you structure and item organization.
The App includes several modern technologies, design patterns and approaches:
- IndexedDB – It includes Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) operations on a basic place, item records with Data Store – the browser offline data storage (IndexedDB database) – implemented in pure JavaScript (with no external/additional dependendies)
- It uses the Flutter Framework for User Interface library and the Web as a Target Platform.
- The code is organized in Model – View – View Model Design Pattern. This means you could change the data source of the records or add some additional business logic changes – without changing a single line of the User Interface code.
- The UI Code is responsive. On Landscape screens (width > height) – the view split in two 50/50 – list + add/edit. On Portrait screens – the user interface is with one view at a time list or add/edit.
The current list of files included in the Stuff Organizer App Package is:
And Platform Specific files not important at the moment. The full list of files could be viewed here:
/.packages /test /test/widget_test.dart /.metadata /web /web/index.html /web/Place.html /web/favicon.png /web/icons /web/icons/Icon-192.png /web/icons/Icon-512.png /web/manifest.json /web/app.js /web/sw.js /web/fest.json /web/Item.html /pubspec.lock
lib /lib/viewModel /lib/viewModel/ItemViewModel.dart /lib/viewModel/PlaceViewModel.dart /lib/ui /lib/ui/ItemDetails.dart /lib/ui/StuffOrganizerWebPageDrawer.dart /lib/ui/ItemListItem.dart /lib/ui/PlaceDetails.dart /lib/ui/ItemList.dart /lib/ui/PlaceListItem.dart /lib/ui/PlaceList.dart /lib/ui/PlaceAddEdit.dart /lib/ui/ItemAddEdit.dart /lib/adddependencies.txt /lib/utils /lib/utils/DataAccess.dart /lib/utils/utils.dart /lib/main.dart /lib/model /lib/model/Place.dart /lib/model/Item.dart /lib/model/Result.dart /lib/db /lib/db/PlaceIndexedDbDao.dart /lib/db/ItemIndexedDbDao.dart /lib/i18n /lib/i18n/messages_all.dart /lib/i18n/AppLocalizations.dart /lib/i18n/intl_en.arb /lib/i18n/messages_en.dart /lib/rest /lib/rest/Constants.dart /stuff_organizer_web_page.iml
The list of files, the demo, the product package/files list/ and probably the price will be upgraded in the future with the improvements in the Generator App Product that creates this small app.
You can open the demo of the To-Do app from this link: