This is an IndexedDB Flutter Folder Notes Application. You may categorize this as yet another Notes App, but, the technologies that it includes are from modern and forward looking.
- IndexedDB – It includes Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) operations on a basic note and folder records with Data Store – the browser offline data storage (IndexedDB database) – implemented pure JavaScript (with no dependendies)
- Read by Id
- Save or Update
- Paginated Result
- Filter By Parent ID
- It uses the Flutter Framework for User Interface library and the Web as a Target Platform. You could read some articles about Flutter on this blog, https://programtom.com/dev/?s=flutter
- The code is organized in BloC-Design Pattern using reactive Streams. This means you could alter the data source of the notes or add some additional business logic changes – without changing a single line of the User Interface code.
The UI Code is responsive. On Landscape screens (width > height) – the view split in two 50/50 – list + add/edit. On Portrait screens – the user interface is with one view at a time list or add/edit.The code for responsiveness was removed for now.
The app lets you organize the notes into folders and sub-folders structure
In this product you will find working solution for:
- Tree Like Structure. Folder Hierarcy is folder with parentId parameters
- Tab View and Listener on it – so the add button is different – according to the selected tab
- Empty Folder State
- Empty Note State
This is the screen where you have created some folders inside the top level folder.
And these are notes in the top level folder
Clicking Edit on the note moves you to a screen where you could update your note.
And there is a list of notes inside of sub-folder.