This Mission Accomplished App is a little bit more complex to-do app written with – Spring Boot, Vaadin, and integrated with several other libs and personally developed Micro Services.
The Project constains:
- Integration Library for my Micro Services
- An Open Source – Java Vaadin Bootstrap Library https://github.com/tomavelev/java_bootstrap_vaadin_components
- The application source code
- It is packaged as a war and deployed on tomcat
- It targets MariaDB for storing the to-dos.
Remaining is to be translated and several other points, but it is currently internally live and running.
Vaadin Web App Screens
The main screen contains to-dos that do not have any parent asscociation. You could add new, edit, delete them, search/filter or go to any submition.
After selecting sub-mission you could see the partial task associated with it.
The Edit screen is prutty basic – with important fields Name(Content) and a checkbox – if it is completed.
There is also a Login Page that I’ll not include here.
Prerequisites to get it Build
With this app you will get only
- the source code of this app
- the integration lib
The other Micro Services you need to buy separately. To get it build you need to
- Execute “mvn install” on the dependencies so their code could be packages as jars in your local maven repository.
- To have running somewhere the Google Login and JWT Token issuer micro services.
- After that you need to edit the application.properties with the settings point
- where is the database
- where you have running – the depending micro services – so the mission app could know how to trigger authentication and authorization
- execute “mvn clean package -Pproduction -Dvaadin.force.production.build=true”
- Deploy the war generated under target/ folder – to your jsp/servlet container.