In this package you will get the Source Code of File Explorer Vaadin 23 Web App. It currenty has the following features:
- Type in a Directory and Execute a Directory Listing On It
- Delete File or Folder
- Create New Folder
- Upload a File. The current file size limit is 1GB, but it could be changed from the application.properties
- Move, Copy, Paste features. Also – Move one directory up – button
You could edit the allowed IP addresses list – that could access this app. This is currently available at Compile Time.
This App has been Generated in 80% by my Work In Progress – Plugin For IntelliJ. My first Target Framework for the Plugin is Vaadin. It allows me to code only in Java and have both Front-End and Back-End with no Context Swiching.
You need
- Java 17
- Apache Maven
To Build the app just execute file_explorer>mvn clean package -Pproduction -Dvaadin.force.production.build=true