A Flutter Desktop App to Generate App Images of all sizes in the appropriate directory structure, location and file naming required by the Flutter Framework.
Flutter Desktop App Screens
The first screen is a list of apps added to the app. It has a button in the bottom + right – for adding new app folder.
After clicking on an app record, the App Image Generator reads the current files from the folder. If not change – they will be the Flutter Logo.
There are buttons for:
- going back to the list
- image picker button – for selecting new logo. Have the current images commited to Git just in case.
Tech Stack used
You will receive the source code of the app and a windows build. The libraries used are:
- GetX: https://pub.dev/publishers/getx.site – for state management and navigation
- isar https://isar.dev/tutorials/quickstart.html – for the local database
- file picker https://pub.dev/packages/file_picker
- image https://pub.dev/packages/image – for resizing images in dart
You could also check out:
- a Related product (written in java) https://programtom.com/dev/product/app-images-generator-app/
- a blog post – describing the image location https://programtom.com/dev/2024/06/04/images-in-flutter-app-that-need-to-be-updated-to-customize-icons-for-all-platforms/