This is an app about analyzing the Access Log of Tomcat Server – packaged as Vaadin Micro Service. It is first version – proof of concept, but has giving me – atleast myself – the data I need make decisions.
Login to the App
Currently there is no authentication integrated. Just click login and you will be redirected to the main screen – with hard – coded credentials.
Access Log Records
The first tab of the app contains the list of logs.
The files you need to upload are named like this: localhost_access_log.yyyy-MM-dd.txt. For bigger files it will take time so – be patient. In my experience – it will take several minutes for 3-10 million rows of logs. To not go into waiting mode and hang the app – currently – it is recommended to analyze logs for a single day and not import too much data. Clean it up after data analysis. For more scalable version I may get into version 2 of the app.
The most important part of the app are the summaries. At the momeny two groups of queries are implemented.
Count of Requests By IP
The app will count how many requests an IP has made to your server.
Count of hits per Resource
The app will summarize how many times any resource has been opened/accessed/downloaded.
The package includes the source code – Maven based Java 17 – Vaadin Web App. It uses MariaDB as a Database. For instructions how to build it – check out here: https://programtom.com/dev/2023/11/29/vaadin-application-from-development-to-production/.