State-based Software Development from a Data Model – onto the outer layers is old idea with variety of environments within and even outside of the coding world. This mode of organizing some type of information into reactive and responsive software and architectures is not a coincidence. It brings stability, security, scalability, ease of use and…
Create a Progressive Web App – Minimal amount of code
Example of a Progressive Web App with minimal amount of code. Beat the competition by knowing these several small tips and tricks. If you are building an app and you’re trying to reach a lot of people, you don’t need native apps for all the platforms. Before you build optimized and maximally performant experience, you…
How to Change the Theme in the Big Operating Systems
As we wrote in our first article having dark and light Theme Modes has become important user experience element of every user interface framework. Change the Theme Setting Windows 10 Click on the [Window Button] and search Settings. From the list of items – select Personalization. From the list in the left Select Colors. In…
How to Fit into Roles & Positions
In this article I’m gonna talk about Roles & Positions in Companies, Organizations, Institutions. When you see the big picture, you don’t hate, you don’t blame, you don’t overpraise or holy bless the worm pinned onto the fishing hook. You see the good & the bad. You try to get the best of every aspect….
What are the usual User Interface Components
You could notice the same visual patterns and common User Interface Components everywhere. It doesn’t matter the programming language, library or framework, the building tool, IDE, util, the operating system, screen size or the form factor. The Graphical User Interfaces may have different names in the different places. The end result could be archived with…
Pick a Role in Software Development Company 2020/2021
If you think the main focus in software development company is about programming source code, you are wrong. The “fruit” of the work is the code, yes. But, to reach the coding phase, there are several other roles to fill, other tasks to execute, before a company could archive the thing called business. The philosophical…
Android GUI Options to choose from 2020+
With the passing of time more and more options rise of how to create GUI for an Android [and not only] Application. You know – if you are a software developer doing the front-end part of some service, you must include Android because of the big percentage of the market share of this mobile OS….
Are you Theming? Minimal Software GUI requirement of 2020
Literally the last year or two theming the Graphical User Interfaces in Software became a thing. It was partially because of the discovery or realization that dark themes required less energy with AMOLED displays and this is making batteries live longer on a daily long active usage. According to some articles the real energy saver…
Social Software – 9 Features to make a Product Successful
Most of the software products offered by Program Tom LTD are missing the secret ingredient of success – for one reason or another – being social. Making something social increases the popularity automatically. When a lot of people use something – the product could generate money if the appropriate strategy is applied. For one reason…
Image Extractor App
Here you have an Image Extractor – an App for allowing you download for personal use Pictures from the Internet. The source of the images may be from URL or HTML code. HTML – Many pages require from you to authenticate to use them. To download image from such web sites – the HTML option…