To integrate Velocity templates into a Vaadin Web application, you’ll need to follow these steps to combine the two frameworks. This can be particularly useful if you want to use Velocity for templating certain parts of the application, like emails, custom HTML content, or other non-Vaadin UI areas. Steps to Integrate Velocity with Vaadin Add…
Flutter Flock Fork is actually a Good Thing
Flutter has been forked from the official Google Git repository Repository – it is called Flock – and in my opinion this may be viewed as a Good Thing. Customization and Flexibility The fork may open it for more stuff that come out of the box – with the SDK. Not being under the Google…
2024 / 2025 – Bitcoin is hot Again – BEWARE!
I’m afraid that – As Bitcoin’s value rises, it tends to attract more scammers who prey on people’s desire to profit without fully understanding the technology or risks involved. With Bitcoin crossing high price thresholds, “get-rich-quick” schemes often multiply, enticing people who are not well-versed in cryptocurrency and because people are lazy to study it, they…
Build-In Widgets for Navigation in Flutter
Here are some examples of how to use the Build-In in Flutter SDK Widgets that encapsulate some form of Navigation between user interface components. Drawer import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: ‘Drawer Example’, home: MyHomePage(), ); } } class MyHomePage extends…
Flutter Route Navigation Options
In Flutter, there are several Options for Navigation between screens or routes. Here are some common ones that come build-in – without external libraray: Navigator: This is a basic navigator that allows you to push new routes onto the navigator’s history stack and pop them when necessary. MaterialPageRoute: A material design-themed navigator that provides a…
Non-Cloud – Flutter – Cross-Platform Build – Steps
In this post I’ll try to enumerate as detailed as possible – the steps to Build your Flutter Apps – Non-Cloud – on your machines and distribute the Cross-Platform Build to the appropiate location. General Idea You need a trigger that initiates a new build at it is commonly a git hook – after “push”…
What are the options for Errors or Crashes tracking in Flutter App
In Flutter, tracking errors or crashes in an app helps maintain stability and improve the user experience. Here are popular tools and methods for error and crash tracking in a Flutter app: 1. Firebase Crashlytics Overview: Firebase Crashlytics is one of the most widely used tools for crash reporting in Flutter. It captures crashes in…
Could Flutter build_runner not parse the entire lib folder?
Could Flutter build_runner not parse the entire lib folder, but to look only to specific dart file (and potentially imported other classes) To control how build_runner parses files and limit it to specific Dart files in your Flutter Project, there are a few strategies you can use. Unfortunately, build_runner itself does not have a built-in…
How to handle Images in Flutter
In Flutter, images can be handled using the Image widget. Here are some ways to do it: 1. Loading Local Images To load a local image, you need to use the AssetBundle class and specify the path to your image file. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget…
How to integrate admob Ads into Flutter app
Integrating AdMob Ads into a Flutter app involves several steps. AdMob is Google’s mobile advertising platform, and you can use the google_mobile_ads package to integrate it into your Flutter project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to add AdMob ads (e.g., banner, interstitial, or rewarded ads) to your Flutter app: 1. Set Up AdMob Account & Create…