In this article I’m gonna lay out some NFT Minting App Development. These are Baby Steps that follow some “best practices” and guidelines that actually come from the “first principles”. In software development currently the recommended way is – separating apps independently or some kind sort of Micro Services. You could read more about that…
What’s NFT Metadata?
NFT Metadata is defined well in the Ethereum documentation that could be found on this address There are also several external places – platforms, services and companies that try to do something on it: NFT Guide: How To Read Metadata To Snipe Rare Traits – by Huhao – NFT Caviar ( Developer Quick-Start: NFTs…
The Blockchain has even more Points of Failure
If you read only the headlines you may find some technologies pure magic but in my personal practical technological experience, The blockchain introduces even more points of failure. Hosting files The new way of storing data that is unchangeable and secure from manipulation is by delegating files to hash based storage system. You could run…
The Problem of Software vs Software Problem
There are few real Problem in software that could be considered unsolvable: Unresolvable Problems Some very complex mathematical challenges unresolved over the years. One very famous solution was the Byzantine Generals Problems – Resolved by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is sometimes extremely hard to bringing into a formal model – some real world phenomena. Gravity, thermodynamics,…
Technological fetish – mobile & blockchain
As a programming individual, I’ve seen several times technological fetish in areas like mobile & blockchain. Marketing draws the usage of a cool new technology – pink skies and unicorns and rainbows. Time and time again having a personal experience with whatever is the true knowledge and wisdom. The Mobile World More than 10 years…
Pixel Perfect Evolution and the Business
I’ve learned the hard way over the years that Pixel Perfect User Interfaces are bad for the Business – from the Developer and sometimes – from the Business side. The Platforms that show User Interface evolve. It is a mission impossible to keep up, and it is an endless requirement from the business standpoint as…
The base of all modern Software as a Service
There is a base of all modern Software as a Service. All modern applications, platforms and applications stand on the shoulders of several big and widespread protocols. Let me tell you first, a little bit of history and ways of architecting software. Socket & HTTP All big Platforms, Frameworks, Services and Applications stand on the…
Programmers & IT == doctors, but for computers
Programmers software developers and IT people in general are like doctors you too often search them when you already have a problem. When everything is working properly you don’t give thanks to the invisible warriors, but they work. You don’t complain about the printer doing its job, you rarely notice when a software developer has…
Society, Community, Groups of Interests
Human individuals receive a natural boosting to form a Groups of Interests in some shape or form. Sometimes the shape or form is purely biological based on the common genes that certain group has. A homo sapiens evolved and this groups got beyond the animal instinct. The Pyramid of Maslow the minimal biological requirements to…
The Matrix is without a Soul
The Matrix is without a Soul and is increasingly forcing you to forget that you have one. You will not find any soul inside a software program. But, if you have watched the movie, you know that the Мatrix is not only а source code, but all the layers of programming inside the human mind….