Creating a Development Platform that others can extend requires careful planning, robust architecture, and developer-friendly features. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Define the Scope and Purpose Clearly define the purpose and scope of your development platform. Identify the problem it aims to solve, its target audience, and the technologies it will…
Category: Uncategorized
Most Users on the Internet are actually bots
Determining the exact percentage of bots versus human users on the internet is challenging due to various factors, including the constantly evolving nature of bot technology and the diversity of online platforms. However, it is generally believed that a significant portion of internet traffic is generated by bots. In my personal opinion – Most Users…
Flutter Create App
You have several options if you want to create a Flutter app. Official CLI Install Flutter: Visit the Flutter website ( and download the Flutter SDK for your operating system. Follow the installation instructions to set up Flutter on your machine. Set up an Editor: Choose an editor or IDE to write your code. Popular…
Hard-coding is for Starters, multi-Environment setup is the real deal
We’ve all been junior coders at some point and is prutty OK to have been hard-coding stuff directly into thesource code. While hard-coding can be appropriate for small, one-time projects, single developer applications or quick prototypes, It generally becomes less desirable as the complexity and scale of the project increase. Hard-coded values make it harder…
Vertical / Horizontal Software Development
Vertical and horizontal software development are two different approaches to organizing and structuring software development. This depends on the client and organization requirements and business and architecture choices. Vertical Software Development From Business Perspective Coding software vertically means – getting things in production as fast as it can – even if the product is not…
Bitcoin Philosophy [PDF] > Bitcoin Software
This is a book [PDF] about Bitcoin Philosophy that – In My Opinion is greater than the Bitcoin Software, because at the end – it is just a tool – an excel sheet. Yes, it has some great advantage over other money databases. But – who will use it and how? The more important part…
Crypto currencies explained by First Principle
If you look at Crypto currencies First Principle – what technologies are beneath it, you may escape of fishing schemes that use too much jargon. When you know the basics, you’ll search it in any new project that appears and you will be able to make better decisions. Crypto currencies are spreadsheets All types…
Minimal Flutter Bloc App from scratch – 3
In this article I’ll explain the code of the Minimal Flutter Bloc App – version of an App that I’m building. Partial snippets you could see here: The full – working – minimal code you could copy from here: It’s a lot of times a good idea to complete the whole process of…
Programmers & IT == doctors, but for computers
Programmers software developers and IT people in general are like doctors you too often search them when you already have a problem. When everything is working properly you don’t give thanks to the invisible warriors, but they work. You don’t complain about the printer doing its job, you rarely notice when a software developer has…
Society, Community, Groups of Interests
Human individuals receive a natural boosting to form a Groups of Interests in some shape or form. Sometimes the shape or form is purely biological based on the common genes that certain group has. A homo sapiens evolved and this groups got beyond the animal instinct. The Pyramid of Maslow the minimal biological requirements to…