I’ll continue my previous post about Consuming WordPress JSON API and Tags by showing you how to Grab the Categories and their related Posts or Products from the JSON API of a WordPress Web Site. Load Post Categories The Post Categories list endpoint is located under the address https://<wp>/wp-json/wp/v2/categories[?parent=<id>]. It has the following JSON Model:…
Category: Choosing a Framework
How to grab WordPress Tags from JSON API and show them with Flutter Web
I’ll continue my previous post about Consuming WordPress JSON API by showing you how to Grab the Tags and their related Posts or Products from the JSON API of a WordPress Web Site. If you have a WordPress Site, you probably also have available several REST endpoints described in technical detail in the WordPress.org documentation….
Consuming WordPress JSON API
In this article I’m gonna start explaining the WordPress JSON API. This may be useful for Theme Developers, for Application Creators, for Students and Learners. WordPress powers up one big percentage of the Internet. Many of the users of this software product are Marketers, Sellers, Bloggers and all kinds of people outside of programming. That…
How To Use Indexed DB – a Database in the Web Browser
Can I Use IndexedDB – the Database of the Web Browsers? IndexedDB Database is the accepted (standardized) way of storing semi-structured & organized information in the Web Browsers. It is supported by most of them in their latest version: https://caniuse.com/indexeddb. In programming terms – you could check the support programmatically this way: window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB…
Getting Started with PreactJS with Material Design
This article is a “Getting Started” – the very first steps of how to start a PreactJS project offline and include Material Design CSS Library or Components. First You should have installed on your system the module required for all “modern” JavaScript frameworks – NodeJS and/or npm. Next, You should follow the steps from the…
Implementation of Programming Concepts & Apps
If you are coding software long enough, you could recognize how the same Programming Concepts are reimplemented again and again. It is just like the mathematical fractals or the evolution of species. Everything is new, but in the same time, the same old thing, just the package is different. It is different, because of the…
State-based Software Development for Everybody
State-based Software Development from a Data Model – onto the outer layers is old idea with variety of environments within and even outside of the coding world. This mode of organizing some type of information into reactive and responsive software and architectures is not a coincidence. It brings stability, security, scalability, ease of use and…
Create a Progressive Web App – Minimal amount of code
Example of a Progressive Web App with minimal amount of code. Beat the competition by knowing these several small tips and tricks. If you are building an app and you’re trying to reach a lot of people, you don’t need native apps for all the platforms. Before you build optimized and maximally performant experience, you…