In this article I’m gonna tell you little things I’ve found while Adding watermark to a Video with Flutter. Adding of watermark stuff into videos, in my personal experience and as far as I’ve seen, is implemented with the ffmpeg tool or package. Code Samples & Hints The ffmpeg command line util requires input videos…
Author: Toma Velev
Flutter and React-Native are for Startups
Flutter and React-Native are Cross-Platform technologies for Startups – that access unite platform and half-access native features in a united way. They do optimize development time and also – Speed of deployment and delivery are crucial for fast interaction of features. In the end – Innovation is nothing more than statistics around the new features…
What is Business – Behind the Scenes – Explained Simply
Business is a fancy word that creates a lot of associations in the minds that needs to be explained. People imagine expensive suits, nice cars, big homes, hot wife. The reality cannot be more gray, more lifeless, empty, and meaningless than whatever image you draw in your head. Explained simply – business is just a…
Social Login – Why Use 3rd Party Authentication?
Why Use Social – 3rd Party Authentication in your Login workflows? The importance of the Connections of the users on other places I’ve described here: (number 3). You will save time and effort from the need to implement and support user management. It is not an easy task. Even the big Corporations have a…
Flutter Push Notifications
Push Notifications are one of the 9 key Social Features that will keep users engaged and Flutter is a tool to create apps for all Platforms. It is a perfect combination to have it integrated to remarket, and offer real time nature of your Application to all users. You will not escape the settings and…
HTML Input Usability & User Experience tips that even Experts forget
In this article you will learn few (HTML) Usability & User Experience tips. I’ve seen how – even Experts (including me if I may call myself an expert of course) forget about them – in their endless pursuit of code optimization and architecture. Autocomplete From the Browser All Internet Browsers store some information of the…
Independent Facebook Login Authentication
If you want to integrate the Facebook Login in your app, but you want at least some small part of the Authentication to be Independent – this article is for you. The World Wide Web is a Communication Layer present on almost every meaningful device form factor. If some functionality works on it, it could…
Images in Web, Android Native & Flutter
In this article I’m gonna spill out some tips for around Images for Android Native, Flutter and Web. They are essential visual component on all platforms – Desktop, Mobile, Web and even out – in the real world. Common knowledge about Images Images are vector or raster. Vector graphics resize up and down without losing…
Shallow thinking Software Developers Edition
The world is going virtual – there is no denying that and Software Developers are the builders of the modern day. Unfortunately, it is not enough to have programming skills. There are tons of layers before a piece of hardware and software arrives into the hands of everyday user. Some of the requirements are described…
Components vs Layers in Software
In this article I’m gonna weight down the importance the separation of software in components and layers of functionality. When a programmer starts a new piece of software, he could choose from multiple approaches to pick. The choice depends on several factors often requested from outside. Such may be – project complexity, team size, product…