Key for the success of B2C Software Tools is to be engaged in Daily Human Activities – sleeping, eating, working, socializing, exercising, pursuing hobbies or interests or things of interest – emotions, politics, money. And at the end all Business to Business Application sit on top of non-business clients. It is a chain of dependencies where serious players to have less. The same is true for software development.
Social Software Tools
Socializing can take many forms, including:
- one-on-one, one-to-many, and less often – many-to-one conversations. Ther are a lot of Messaging Platforms in the top list of the app stores.
- Social media platforms, and engaging in cultural or community activities
- group gatherings, attending events or concerts, parties, joining clubs or organizations, participating in team sports, networking professionally. There are sevral types of softwares in this niche – Tickets, Check-In features, etc
- Marketplaces and linking sites – for jobs, cars, goods and products, etc
Each of these variations offers different opportunities for interaction and connection with others.
Food Related Tools
Eating is something we all do and it is natural to have a lot of applications here.
- Food Information Web sites – I have site like that
- Calories Tracker
- Food Ordering Platforms
- Restaurant Ratings,
- etc
The opposite to food is the energy reelase apps. There are several types of fitness apps that you could use:
- counting activities
- learning new moves
- dancing
- etc