After Looking at Different Technologies and Tech Stacks Beyond The Magic that the words that describe them draw, you either become guru or skeptic. There are endless numbers of different Programming Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, Technologies and approaches. Do you think where it is located.
There is the very basic Client-Server architecture – old as the computers themselves. It is especially popular and essential for the Internet. Do you understand it?
When you grab something new, shiny, colored or animated, or that saves you X amount of work – don’t call it magical! Start learning what place it occupies in the full picture of the technical stack, in the technical architecture. And another thing to look at – the relation of the specialized detail to the layers – beyond the software source code. Otherwise you will compare it as magic, just, because you haven’t dived deep enough into different Technologies.
Flutter is for example is very cool technology. With it, you could code applications for the mobile operating systems, the web, desktop apps, and even for IOT devices. But, it is just a front-end. Don’t let the shiny words full you with the full-stack inclusion of back-end, client-server, sockets, legal layers, finances and more.
I am against mixing the basic feature of the technology with fairy dust, just because it specializes with high quality in some of the ends of the software layers. There are endless software layers to think about, if you call yourself a programmer. And, there are endless more layers to think about – beyond the source code.