Here you have an Image Extractor – an App for allowing you download for personal use Pictures from the Internet.
The source of the images may be from URL or HTML code.
- HTML – Many pages require from you to authenticate to use them. To download image from such web sites – the HTML option is more appropriate. On your browser – click F12 or right click and inspect.
- URL – For public sites like newspapers and blogs the URL option is easier. Just copy the address and place it in the text field of the tool without diving into the code.
The Image Extractor App is wrapped up in different ways:
- Desktop computer app
- Web Site / Web App (discontinued for the moment)
- and as an Android Application (discontinued for the moment).
Your browser downloads the images from the web pages on your device either way. If it wasn’t true, your browser would have not be able to display them. There are several tricks that website builders implement to protect them:
- Disable right click
- Put additional transparent HTML elements above the images
One option to workaround this is creating a screenshot. The current Image Extractor tool will try to give you one more option to download the visual content from web pages – for personal, private, internal, local use.
!!!Notice that you should RESPECT the licenses placed on the web sites you download images from. Do not share or re-distribute them if this will violate the law. This tool and the developer behind it does not take any responsibility for the misuse of the images by ill-advised users.
The logo of the product is from